GSL 2024
GSL 2024

Gsport Privacy Policy

Gsport, z.s., ID No.: 176 25 068, with registered office at Krabošická 59, Voděrádky, 251 01 Říčany, registered in the Federal Register kept at the Municipal Court in Prague, file number L 76795 (hereinafter also referred to as “Gsport” or “the association”), hereby informs you as a member of the association or a visitor to its website about how it will handle your personal data.

The purpose of this policy is to inform you about how your personal data that you entrust to Gsport is processed and protected. In this document, you will find basic information that can be used to exercise your rights in relation to the processing of your personal data. Gsport will always process your personal data in a transparent and fair manner, in accordance with all legal provisions governing the processing of personal data.

1. Basic concepts and Gsport as a data controller

In relation to the processing of personal data, Gsport is the controller of your personal data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (“GDPR”) and Act No. 110/2019 Coll. on the processing of personal data. The controller determines the means and purposes of the processing of personal data, therefore decides how the processing of personal data will take place and is fully responsible for the processing of personal data that it carries out.

Personal data is any information about an identified or identifiable natural person (data subject); for example, the name, surname, one or more specific elements of the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

Special category personal data are personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person and data concerning the health or sex life or sexual orientation of a natural person.

The data subjects are in particular members of Gsport, possibly also visitors to the website, and other persons to whom Gsport communicates personal data.

Processing of personal data means any operation or set of operations which is performed upon personal data or sets of personal data, whether or not by automated processes, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or any other disclosure, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.

A processor is any natural or legal person who processes personal data for Gsport on its instructions (e.g. software supplier, accountant, legal representative, etc.).

2. Processing of personal data of members of the association

Gsport must process your personal data for the purpose of ensuring membership and similar relationships in the association and the performance of the rights and obligations arising from this relationship. We therefore process personal data for the purpose of fulfilling the statutes and objectives of the association on the basis of your application. The provision of your personal data in connection with membership in the association is a necessary requirement for the establishment and existence of membership and the performance of the rights and obligations arising from it. Without providing personal data for these purposes, membership is not possible.

Another purpose of processing may be to fulfil a legal obligation to which Gsport is subject. This may typically be an obligation under Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code, as amended, Act No. 563/1991 Coll., on Accounting, as amended, Act No. 280/2009 Coll., Tax Code, as amended. The fulfilment of a legal obligation is the legal basis for the processing of personal data pursuant to Article 6 paragraph 1 letter c) GDPR.

In some cases, we may also process personal data in the context of our legitimate interest. However, this interest never takes precedence over the interests and fundamental rights of the data subject requiring the protection of personal data. Legitimate interest is a legal basis for us under Article 6 paragraph 1 letter c) GDPR, in particular in situations where we are protecting our property, our economic interests and our reputation, if we need to initiate and conduct legal or arbitration proceedings, or when we are ensuring the security of our website.

If you provide us with your consent to the processing, we will also process your personal data in accordance with this consent for the purposes stated therein. Providing consent is voluntary and you have the right to withdraw it at any time.

Also, if you contact us via the contact form on the website, your personal data (first name, last name, email address, or other personal data provided in the message) will be used primarily for further communication and processing of your request.

The processing of your personal data is thus a legal and contractual requirement. The provision of personal data processed for the purpose of fulfilling the legal obligations of the association is a legal requirement. Without the provision of this data we will not be able to fulfil the obligations of the association under generally binding legal regulations. The provision of personal data processed for the purpose of fulfilling the statutes and objectives of the association on the basis of your application and for the purpose of protecting the rights, legitimate interests or property of the association is a contractual requirement. Legislation does not oblige you to provide us with this personal data, but without providing it we cannot accept you as a member of Gsport.

3. Categories of personal data processed

In particular, Gsport processes the following personal data about you:

  • identification data (first name, last name)
  • contact data (e-mail address, contact postal address, telephone number)
  • name of the secondary school attended by the member
  • payment or bank details
  • other data relating to the processing purposes described above.

Gsport does not process special category personal data.

4. How do we carry out personal data processing operations?

We process personal data both manually and automatically. We do not carry out profiling or automated decision-making.

5. Who will have access to your data and for how long will we process it?

Your personal data is primarily handled by Gsport employees. We do our best to protect your personal data from misuse or unauthorised use.

We may share your personal data with public authorities when we are fulfilling a legal obligation. If we seek to protect our legal interests, we may share your personal information with a legal representative. Personal data may also be transferred to domestic or foreign sports organisations (e.g. International eSports Association), tournament organisers and Gsport’s business partners or processors.

Your personal data may be transferred to contractual partners (processors) based in third countries, including but not limited to the USA, in exceptional cases related in particular to the association’s membership in international sports organisations. However, we take all precautions (SSC and other contractual obligations) to comply with all obligations arising for us from the transfer.

We store personal data in accordance with the time limits set out in the relevant legislation, or for the period of time that is necessary with regard to the purpose for which the personal data is processed, in particular for the duration of your membership of the association. However, this is generally 3 years.

We process personal data that is provided to us on the basis of your consent for as long as the consent is not withdrawn. However, in rare and justified cases, there may be a need to keep your personal data for a longer period of time.

We store the personal data we obtain from the contact form for a period of one month. We may retain it for longer if there is another legal basis for processing (e.g. entering into a contract).

6. When will you find out more about how we process personal data?

Gsport has not appointed a data protection officer. However, you can contact Gsport at any time with questions about the processing of your personal data by contacting Martin Vlach at:

7. What are your rights?

Please note that you can exercise the following rights:

A. The right to access your personal data

Upon your request, we will tell you whether we are processing your personal data or any other information you request from us. You can ask us to tell you what data we process and how we process it, from what source it comes, etc. This right is enshrined in Article 15 of the GDPR, where you will also find a complete list of the information you can request in your access request.

B. The right to rectification of personal data

The personal data we process should always be correct and correspond to the facts. If you discover that the personal data we process about you is incorrect, you may ask us to correct it (within our technical capabilities). This right is based on Article 16 of the GDPR.

C. The right to erasure (the “right to be forgotten”)

You can also ask us to delete your personal data that we no longer need. However, we can only comply if we no longer need to process the personal data. Thus, we cannot delete personal data, for example, if the statutory archiving period for certain documents expires, etc. We will, of course, explain this to you in response to your request. In the GDPR you will find this right under Article 17.

D. The right to limit the processing of your personal data

Upon your request, we will restrict the processing of personal data about which there is a problem or dispute – e.g. whether the personal data is accurate, whether the processing is unlawful, etc. This right is enshrined in Article 18 GDPR.

E. The right to object to the processing of your personal data at any time

You can object if you do not agree with the processing of your personal data in view of our legitimate interest. It will then be our task to prove the legitimate interest. If we fail to do so, we will stop processing your personal data.

F. Right to data portability

If we process your personal data in electronic form, you can ask us to transfer it to another controller. If this is possible in a particular case, we will transfer your personal data on the basis of your request.

If you decide to exercise any of the above rights, please contact our responsible person at We can only provide information about the processing of personal data to the person to whom the personal data relates; we can therefore first check whether the person to whom the personal data we process relates is requesting the exercise of his or her rights. We will process the data subject’s request free of charge within thirty days. If the request is complex, we may extend the time limit by sixty days. If the requests are repeated or excessive, a fee may be required. However, we will always inform the data subject in advance.

Compliance with the rights and obligations arising from the GDPR and the Personal Data Processing Act is supervised by the Office for Personal Data Protection, located at Pplk. Sochor 27, 170 00 Prague 7, ID No.: 70837627. You can contact the Office with a complaint via email at or by sending a data message to the following mailbox: qkbaa2n. You can find out more about the Office’s supervisory activities, in particular on the Office’s website

8. Amendments and updates to the Policy

This Policy is valid from (1. 12. 2022).

We may amend the Policy if our purposes or means of processing personal data change. The current version of the Policy will always be available on the website
