GSL 2024
GSL 2024


GSPORT League 2023/2024

Dates, disciplines, online & offline rules, additions

Official opening: 15. 10. 2023

1) Winter online split (winter semester: 16. 10. 2023 – 18. 2. 2024)

  • in the 1st online split each team will play 5 game weeks (gaming CS2 a EA FC 24 + calories burning) at the earliest possible date from 16. 10. 2023 to 18. 2. 2024. The game dates and their registration deadlines are:
    • 1) 16. 10. 2023 – 19. 11. 2023 – registration deadline: 10. 10. 2023
    • 2) 13. 11. 2023 – 17. 12. 2023 – registration deadline: 5. 11. 2023
    • 3) 15. 1. 2024 – 18. 2. 2024 – registration deadline: 7. 1. 2024

2) Summer online split (summer semester: 4. 3. – 7. 4. 2024)

  • in the 2nd online split each team will play 5 game weeks (gaming CS2 a EA FC 24 + calories burning)
    • registration deadline: 25. 2. 2024

3) Offline part (hereinafter referred to as “Final 8”): 30. 5. – 2. 6. 2024 (Thu – Sun) in PRAGUE

  • GSPORT obstacle course
  • futsal 4+1
  • CS2
  • EA FC 24
  • BlazePod (decisive 5th discipline in case of equal points)

Online part

  • Gaming: Counter-Strike 2, EA FC 24
  • Sport: calories burning

Offline part

  • Gaming: Counter-Strike 2, EA FC 24
  • Sport: futsal 4+1, GSPORT obstacle course, BlazePod

1. Online part rules

Important information for both winter and summer semesters of the 2023/2024 season

Each team has a minimum of 7 players (5 CS2, 2 EAFC 24) and a maximum of 10 players (5+2 CS2 subs, 2+1 EA FC 24 subs).

  • all players forming 1 team must be from the same university (but not necessarily from the same faculty)
  • current students of bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral studies can participate (but not graduates)
  • the number of teams from one university is not limited
  • different players for CS2 and EA FC 24 (two “groups” within one team = same player can’t play both games)
  • the CS2 group and the EA FC 24 group each have their own captain, responsible for communication with the other team captains and the organisers via Discord
  • CS2 + EA FC 24 captains arrange match dates via Discord = write the agreed date and time in the common chat
  • CS2 & EA FC 24 matches don’t have to be played on the same day

Permanent roster for the entire season

  • in justified cases, a maximum of 2 players can be changed between the 1st and 2nd split so that the same team can continue in the 2nd split
  • players may not change within the same split
  • players may not change between the 2nd split and the offline final

Condition for a player to participate in the offline final = the player must play at least one match (and thus burn kcal for one week) in the online part

  • the minimum number of players in which it is possible (in the case of team advancement) to participate in the offline final is 7 = during the online part it is necessary to substitute at least one player (e.g. substitution between two EA FC 24 players from the main roster, or deployment of anyone from the substitute roster)


The team is obliged to make a roster of 6 active players (5x CS2, 1x EA FC 24) for the following week in this table, always no later than Sunday (23:59 CET) preceding the week to which the roster refers (for every week again, even if the roster does not differ from the previous week!)

  • these 6 players will have their kcal burned counted for the week (they will be set as active in the GSPORT kcal burning app
  • if a team doesn’t submit a full weekly roster of 6 active players, they will be credited with 0% of the kcal burned for that week, regardless of the % of calories on the chart that they burned for the week
  • if it’s necessary to replace a player from the active roster with one of the substitutes during the week for a justified reason (illness, etc.), the team is obliged to report this change to the admin on Discord (instead of the originally active player, the burned kcal of the newly activated player will now be included in the team goal)
  • even in the case of an emergency, it’s not possible to field a player who was not on the originally submitted roster at least among the substitutes = if the team doesn’t put together a line-up to play the match, a forfeit will occur in favour of the opponent

Teams will be divided into groups based on the final number of registered teams and their location so that the team completes 5 game weeks of play in each split.

Online splits will be played on a head-to-head basis* = 1 opponent per week -> a total of 5 opponents

The team always has one specific week to play each of the online matches and burn calories (matches cannot be moved to a week other than the one in which they are scheduled to be played)

The deadline for submitting round results is Sunday evening (23:59 CET) of that week (no points will be awarded if results are not submitted on time)

  • CS2 results – will be visible in the tournament on Challengermode
  • EA FC 24 results – after the match is played, players are obliged to report the result in the designated Discord channel (screenshot with results of all games played + commentary from both players)

If the match is not played within the allotted week, the match will be forfeited (see. 1.3 Counter-Strike 2  & 1.4 EA FC 24 FORFEIT)

*In case of uneven number of teams in the group, the draw will be solved operatively.


  • hosting and organising CS2 and EA FC 24 matches will take place on the Challengermode platform (every player must have an account there)
  • participants are allowed to stream their matches of online qualification (we recommend an appropriately chosen delay)
  • a player can’t log in with a VAC ban – if a player gets a VAC ban during the league, the player is automatically disqualified from the league
  • the use of player models is forbidden
  • in case of suspicion, the admin has the possibility to review the demo – if he evaluates any suspicious activity, he has the right to forfeit the match in favour of the other side and possibly disqualify the player/team
  • exploitation of bugs is strictly prohibited
  • account sharing is strictly forbidden


  • each match as BO1 (the winner of the match gets a point in the standings of split)
  • map-pool: Ancient, Anubis, Inferno, Mirage, Vertigo, Overpass, Nuke
  • overtime is MR6


  • team fails to show up within 15 min after the agreed start time = points for the win go to the team that was ready to play
  • team will let know it’s not playing = points for the win go to the team that was ready to play
  • match time not arranged* – captain sends screenshots of communication with the other captain = points for the win go to the team that had the effort to arrange the date of the match.
    • if captain doesn’t make an effort to arrange a game date, i.e. doesn’t write or reply to the opponent by Wednesday midnight (Wednesday 23:59 CET), the team of the captain who has made such an effort will be preferred in case of a forfeit (it’s necessary to write a message, it’s not enough to send a friend request on Discord – sending both a request and a message is recommended). If neither team makes an effort, the win point is forfeited.
  • any abuse of bugs will be investigated by the admins and may lead to forfeit

*The final and unchangeable decision in this case belongs to the Discord admin.


  • for compatibility reasons the following consoles are allowed: PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S or PC
  • the tournament is played in online friendly mode (Online Friendlies)
  • after the match is played, players are obliged to report the result in the designated Discord channel (screenshot with results of all played matches + commentary of both players)
  • all players are required to follow the rules of fair-play
  • participants are allowed to stream their matches of online qualification
  • in the event of any problems (e.g. with connections), the organiser reserves the right to decide on further action to the best of its judgement and feeling
  • communication with the organisers is via the designated Discord channel


  • 1v1 format (then 2v2 in the offline part!)
  • half-time length is 6 min
  • each match as BO3 (the winner of 2 matches gets a point in the standings of split)
  • players can choose any team from any league including national teams
  • the match can’t end in a draw, in the event of a tie after playing the regular time, the golden goal decides


  • team fails to show up within 15 min after the agreed start time = points for the win go to the team that was ready to play
  • team will let know it’s not playing = points for the win go to the team that was ready to play
  • match time not arranged* – captain sends screenshots of communication with the other captain = points for the win go to the team that had the effort to arrange the date of the match.
    • if captain doesn’t make an effort to arrange a game date, i.e. doesn’t write or reply to the opponent by Wednesday midnight (Wednesday 23:59 CET), the team of the captain who has made such an effort will be preferred in case of a forfeit (it’s necessary to write a message, it’s not enough to send a friend request on Discord – sending both a request and a message is recommended). If neither team makes an effort, the win point is forfeited.
  • the result of the forfeited match is 2:0 / 0:2 in matches
  • the score of each of the two forfeited matches is 1:0 / 0:1 = total 2:0 / 0:2 (difference in score +2 and -2 / -2 and +2)

*The final and unchangeable decision in this case belongs to the Discord admin.

Each player must be registered in both the Strava app and the GSPORT kcal burning app (we recommend logging in, pairing apps and trying it out in the week before the split starts!).

  • if a player who is listed in the roster of 6 active players for the specific week is not logged in both apps (Strava and GSPORT app), his team’s weekly roster will be considered incomplete = the team will be credited with 0% of the kcal burned for that week, regardless of the % of kcal burned on the chart for the week
  • all players’ profiles on Strava must be set as public (for external review)

During the online part, the goal of each player is to burn as many kcal as possible using the smart watch (through our app, which is connected to the Strava app). The kcal burned are added up for the team.

If a team reaches 100% or more (green pie chart) of its weekly target at the end of the week (Sunday 23:59 CET), it gets a point in the standings of split.


Only activities measured by smart watch with heart rate recording will be counted = it’s not possible to track only by phone via the Strava app (it’s not possible to measure via Strava, even if it’s installed as an app in the smart watch!) or to enter records manually.

  • each player has their own smart watch, primarily supported by the Strava app*
  • other smart watch brands (besides the 6 listed*) that record activity with heart rate are not prohibited, but their 100% functionality (pairing with the Strava app, etc.) is not guaranteed
  • each player is responsible for the correct pairing and setup of the Strava and GSPORT app (with the help of the Strava & GSPORT kcal app tutorial, or a short video tutorial.
  • *

The GSPORT kcal burning app only mirrors the activities recorded to Strava and recalculates them into the % of teams graphs. If there is an error during activity tracking (GPS signal failure, forgetting to turn off the activity after it has actually finished, etc.), there is no way to “fix” the activity from our side and it is necessary for the player to report it to the Discord admin (as part of fair-play), who will then invalidate the measured activity in the GSPORT kcal app (it’s necessary to send the activity ID in the Strava to the admin = number after the slash. E.g.

Countable activities = sports, those beyond normal daily activities

  • NO: housework, gardening, etc.
  • YES: running, walking, cycling, fitness, team sports, etc.
  • only activities with at least 200 kcal or more will be counted in the kcal burned chart

The activities of all 6 active players for a specific week are counted in the weekly target of % kcal burned per team = 5x CS2 player, 1x EA FC 24 player (burned kcal of weekly substitutes and the second non-playing EA FC 24 player from the main roster don’t count)

In the case of larger sport activities (over 500 kcal), we recommend that the player adds a photo of the smart watch display (or even the landscape/gym) to his profile in Strava with the measured data at the end of his activity. By attaching photos, the player significantly increases the chances of keeping the activity in the GSPORT app in case the authenticity of the measured data is checked by the app admin.

Each player is responsible for the accuracy of the data measured during their movement activities. If an error occurs, the player is fully responsible for it.

  • activities are prescribed automatically. They are checked only in case of discrepancy. This discrepancy may arise through an automated tool, random check, or referral by a third party
  • if a player is found to have manually entered a never performed activity into the Strava, both he and his entire team will be disqualified from the GSPORT League
  • if it’s found that the player didn’t report actually performed but incorrectly tracked activity to the Discord admin (GPS error, forgetting to turn off the activity after it has actually finished, …), the opinion of the GSPORT admin will be requested to assess the case and decide whether to remove or keep the activity

Points that teams can earn from all 3 disciplines (CS2, EA FC 24, kcal burning) in each weekly competition between 2 teams:


  • 1 point for victory in CS2
  • 1 point for victory in EA FC 24


  • 1 point for achieving at least 100 % of the team’s kcal burn goal (green pie chart) with just 6 players on the active roster
    • if a team burns less than 100 %, but more than 10 % (10 %-99 %), it receives no point for the sport
    • if a team burns less than 10 % of its goal in a week, it receives no point for the sport and is deducted any points it may have achieved in the gaming part of the week = 0 points overall in the week (points deducted for winning in the gaming part are not credited to the opponent in this case and are forfeited) 


  • 1.) the total number of accumulated points for the entire online part in the overall
    standings from all 3 disciplines
  • 2.) in case of equality of the 1st criterion for multiple teams, the higher number of points accumulated for kcal burned is decisive
  • 3.) in case of equality of both 1st and 2nd criteria for multiple teams, the higher total difference in the number of wins and losses of a team in EA FC 24 is decisive = every single match is counted (not the whole BO3 series)
    • Example A: the team won the week BO3 by 2:1, so the difference between wins and losses is 1
    • Example B: the team won the week BO3 by 2:0, so the difference between wins and losses is 2
  • 4.) in case of equality of 1st, 2nd and 3rd criteria, the higher difference between goals scored and goals conceded across all matches of the team in EA FC 24 is decisive

Each of the two splits has its own result table = points from the 1st split standings are not transferred to the 2nd split standings*

The 1st split is for a prizemoney of 2 000 EUR and 2 spots in the “Final 8

  • 1st place: 1 000 €, 2nd place: 600 €, 3rd place: 400 €

The 2nd split is played for the remaining 6 spots in the “Final 8

  • all teams that participated in the 1st split play automatically in the 2nd split (no need to register again)
  • teams that didn’t participate in the 1st split can also register for the 2nd split (registration deadline for the 2nd split: 25. 2. 2024)

*The top two teams in the final standings of the 1st split automatically advance to the “Final 8” (but they must also participate in the 2nd split, where they still play for a place in the “Final 8” playoffs – but points accumulated in the 1st split are not transferred to the 2nd split standings)

  • if these 2 teams finish anywhere from 1st to 8th place in the 2nd split, they will also be seeded into the play-offs from this spot (e.g. 2nd and 6th place in the scoreboard) = nothing changes in the 2nd split standings order
  • if one or both of these teams finish in 9th place or worse in the 2nd split standings, they will replace the team(s) in 8th (or 8th and 7th) place in the “Final 8” advancement scoreboard, even though they were behind them in the 2nd split standings = the team(s) in the original 8th (or 8th and 7th) place do not advance to the “Final 8” in this case at the expense of the teams advancing from the 1st split


8 teams in total

The top 3 teams will split the prizemoney of 10 000 EUR

  • 1st place: 5 000 €, 2nd place: 3 000 €, 3rd place: 2 000 €

2. Offline part rules

Important information for “FINAL 8” offline final (30 May – 2 June 2024, Prague)


Play-off system “Final 8” (quarter-finals, semi-finals, 3rd place match, final)

  • 1. vs 8.
  • 2. vs 7.
  • 3. vs 6.
  • 4. vs 5.


Teams that will play against each other in an elimination system, will compete in:

  • CS2 matches – BO3
  • EA FC 24 (2v2!) matches – BO3
  • futsal (4+1) match
  • GSPORT obstacle course


For victory in each of the disciplines, the winning team gets 1 point

  • the team with more points advances further in the play-off
  • in case of equal points 2:2 after 4 disciplines, the 5th extra discipline decides who advances – BlazePod


Only players of the main roster participate in the disciplines (5x CS2 + 2x EA FC 24)

  • the main roster consists of players who participated in the online part of GSL 24 and met the criteria:
    • played at least one match + burned calories
    • have also been registered as a main roster player for the winter or summer split of GSL 24
  • a substitute can only start in case of an injury of a player from the main roster
    • if an injury occurs during the day, a substitute will take the place of the injured person. The substitute will complete the full programme in place of the injured person until the end of the day – the injured person can‘t take part in the programme on that day, even if his/her health condition (e.g. for the gaming part) allows him/her to do so later.
    • if the health of the injured player allows it, he/she will be back in the starting lineup the next day. A substitute will only start again in the event of an injury to one of the players on the starting roster
    • a maximum of 2 substitutes per day


EA FC 24

  • 2v2 on PlayStation 5
  • half-time length is 6 min
  • each match as BO3
  • players can choose any team from any league including national teams
  • team settings “Overall 95
  • the match can’t end in a draw, in the event of a tie after playing the regular time, the golden goal decides


  • hosting and organising CS2 and EA FC 24 matches will take place on the Challengermode platform (every player must have an account there)
  • each match as BO3
  • map-pool: Ancient, Anubis, Inferno, Mirage, Vertigo, Overpass, Nuke
  • overtime is MR6
  • a player can’t log in with a VAC ban – if a player gets a VAC ban during the league, the player is automatically disqualified from the league
  • the use of player models is forbidden
  • exploitation of bugs is strictly prohibited
  • account sharing is strictly forbidden

7 players of the main roster run for the team (5x CS2, 2x EA FC 24)

  • individual player times are added together
  • the 5 fastest times count towards the team result
  • the team with the lower total of their 5 best times gets a point
  • if the team doesn’t put together at least 5 (4) runners from the main roster, but only 4 (3) (e.g. for legitimate medical reasons), a member of the substitutes roster will start as the 5th (4th and 5th) runner (a maximum of 2 members from the substitutes roster can participate in the run)
  • if the team puts together only 3 runners from the main roster but can’t field 2 substitutes, the team automatically loses and the opponent gets a poin
  • if the team doesn’t put together even 3 runners from the main roster, it automatically loses and the opponent gets a point

GSPORT obstacle course 2024 – videotutorial

Map & rules GS obstacle course 2024


  • length of the track is approx. 1 200 m
  • the player must try to overcome each obstacle
  • if a player is not able to complete an obstacle, a penalty follows according to the type of obstacle:
    • physical penalty: e.g. 10 burpees
    • time penalty: e.g. + 10 sec / + 1 minute to the final finish time
  • playing time: 2 x 15 min
  • corners and outs are played with the foot
  • maximum of 7 players (4+2 field players + goalkeeper) can participate in the match
    • only players from the main roster play (5x CS2 + 2x EA FC 24)
    • a substitute may only come on in the event of an injury of a player from the main roster and his/her inability to participate/continue the match
  • the winner of the match gets a point in the total of the disciplines
  • in the event of a tie after regulation time, penalties follow in a series of 5 shooters on each side, then possibly 1 each until the decision

BlazePods are placed on the vertices of the hexagon

  • the player starting in the middle is tasked with stomping as many randomly lit BlazePods around him as possible within 30 seconds
  • all 7 players of the main roster participate for the team (5x CS2, 2x EA FC 24)
  • team result = sum of the 5 highest numbers (total number of taps)
    • if the team doesn’t put together at least 5 (4) players from the main roster, but only 4 (3) (e.g. for legitimate medical reasons), a member of the substitutes roster will start as the 5th (4th and 5th) player
    • if the team puts together only 3 players from the main roster but can’t field 2 substitutes, the team automatically loses and the opponent gets a point
    • if the team doesn’t put together even 3 players from the main roster, the team automatically loses and the opponent gets a point
  • if the sum of the 5 highest BlazePod taps for both teams is the same, the winner will be determined by the higher number of taps for the best performance in both teams.
    • in the event of a tie for best performance, the second (or third, fourth, … to seventh) best performance in the standings will then decide.

3. Additions

Important additions to the GSPORT League rules

Regular operational decisions are made by the admins* of the Discord channel, which are: Vlado, Candy, M9rket.

In the event of a situation where it is not possible to agree on the result of the match, a more complex gaming decision is necessary, or there is a suspicion of cheating in kcal burning, the GSPORT League jury consisting of Jakub Čubík, Jan Ferkl (M9rket), Andrea Finkousová (Candy) will decide.

If there is a serious violation of the rules, a team of GSPORT League organizers is called for key decisions.

*Any inappropriate player behavior, whether towards admins or opponents, is punished by disqualification of the player.

Reasonable physical fitness is required during the offline final competition. The organisers are not responsible in case of injury during the GSPORT obstacle course or futsal matches = to participate in the offline finals, each player must sign an informed consent before the start of the race/match.

Detailed instructions for installing, registering or pairing the Strava & GSPORT kcal app and Challengermode platform can be found on the GSPORT web or bellow:
