GSL 2024
GSL 2024




Tournaments prepared not only for schools but also for the public.

The first rounds of the esports  part online over the network, the sports part through the application and in the spirit of fair play.

 FINALS live in front of others – both esports and sports, simply GSPORT.

Players can measure themselves not only in the esports world, but also on sports grounds.

We play not only for better fitness, but also for valuable prizes.

The tournaments we have prepared under the auspices of the UK FTVS will be a motivation for those who love ESSPORTS and at the same time want to keep fit.

Physical skills, sports disciplines or team sports that test esports players and at the same time have a positive effect on the development of esports abilities and measure physical fitness with others.

The aim of gsport tournaments and matches is to create a base for healthy and sports rivalry in computer games and sports disciplines not only at Czech schools, but also for the public and increase their offer of activities for all.

An opportunity to strengthen bonds between friends, classmates, colleagues in an unconventional and modern way, develop skills and shine even in a nationwide competition.

What precedes each GSPORT tournament and what happens during the online part?

We called it "KCAL BURNING"

  1. During the online part of the GSPORT league of universities or 1 week before the "one-off" GSPORT tournament, we will announce the "KCAL BURNING".
  2. Each team member, whether using a smart watch or a mobile phone, can turn on a predetermined application at any time of the day and burn kcal.
  3. After saving the workout, the physical activity is automatically saved in the history. Every other activity and with it the burned kcal is summed up.
  4. After a week, the calories burned are sent to the platform for review.

Tournaments for the public:

  • FIFA23 on PS5 x SMALL SOCCER "5+1"
  • NHL23 on PS5 x FLOORBALL
  • CS:GO x GSPORT SURVIVAL track - overcoming an obstacle course full of physical disciplines such as hand-picking, climbing, speed, orientation in space, strength, agility, but also endurance.
  • Or they played a popular esports game and then tried 9 sports disciplines that we have prepared under the auspices of FTVS. They tested their physical fitness and at the same time measured themselves with other peers.


Tournaments for schools



  • CS:GO
  • FIFA 23, NHL23
  • League of Legends

The match is played in the form of 5 against 5 players. FIFA23 NHL23 2 vs 2.


Under the auspices of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport of Charles University,  we have prepared for schools soccer 5+1, floorball, GSPORT SURVIVAL obstacle course or a test battery with 9 sports disciplines.

A general fitness test full of speed, strength, endurance skills and reaction speed.

List of disciplines:

  1. 1000 m
  2. Plate tapping test
  3. Deep leaning forward in a sitting position
  4. Broad jump
  5. Pull-up endurance
  6. Crank
  7. Jacik test
  8. Reaction time test
  9. Jumping rope


Elementary schools: 7th – 9th grade + corresponding grades of multi-year grammar schools - coming soon

Secondary schools: all grades - coming soon

Universities: all grades


Five-member teams from one school – boys and girls. (FIFA 23 AND NHL23 2 players from each school, university).

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